Volumes 42 and 43, 2003–2004

Volumes 42 & 43, 2003-2004


Edward Franquemont. “Eureka! Examples of Change in Traditional Andean Textiles from Chinchero"

Mary Frame, “What the Women Were Wearing: A Deposit of Early Nasca Dresses and Shawls from Cahuachi, Peru

Ann Pollard Rowe, “Introduction to Ecuadorian Textile Techniques"

Laura M. Miller, Mrill Ingram, and Ann Pollard Rowe, “Leaf Fibers in Highland Ecuador"

Lynn Ann Meisch, Laura M. Miller, and Ann Pollard Rowe, “Spinning in Highland Ecuador"

Karen E. Stothert, “Shellfish Purple in Coastal Ecuador"

Marilee Schmit Nason, “Blouse Making in Mariano Acosta, Ecuador"

Ann Pollard Rowe and Breenan Conterón, “Felt Hat Making in Highland Ecuador"

Ann Pollard Rowe and Lynn A. Meisch, "Plaited Hat Making in Highland Ecuador, in Others’ Words, Panama Hats"

Author Index 1962–2003

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