Volume 9, 1970

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Pál Kelemen, “Lenten Curtains from Colonial Peru"

William J. Conklin, “Peruvian Textile Fragment from the Beginning of the Middle Horizon"

Monni Adams, “Symbolic Scenes in Javanese Batik"

Monni Adams, “Indonesian Textiles at The Textile Museum"

Milton Sonday and Nobuko Kajitani, “A Type of Mughal Sash"

James W. Rice, “Principles of Textile Conservation Science, No. XIII: Acids and Acid Salts for Textile Conservation"

James W. Rice, “Principles of Textile Conservation Science, No. XIV: The Alkalies and Alkaline Salts"

James W. Rice, “Principles of Textile Conservation Science, No. XV: The Control of Oxidation in the Textile Conservation"

James W. Rice, “Principles of Textile Conservation Science, No. XVI: The Use and Control of Reducing Agents and 'Strippers'"

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