Exhibition Program: Interfaith Reflection and Dialogue on Divine Light

Fri, 24 February, 2023 ALL DAY
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Photo courtesy of the DC Sustainable Fashion Initiative.


Across many religions, light is used as a symbol of divine presence on Earth. Following a tour of the museum exhibition Prayer and Transcendence, participants will engage in an interfaith dialogue in the galleries led by the Interfaith Council of Metropolitan Washington. The conversation will take place among Anne Lindberg's site-specific installation what color is divine light?

About the Exhibition

In the Muslim faith, carpets create physically and spiritually “clean” spaces during the daily ritual of prayer. Drawn from five collections, Prayer and Transcendence introduces the purpose and iconography of classical prayer rugs from across the Islamic world, as well as design comparisons from the Jewish tradition. Learn more about the exhibition

About the Interfaith Council of Metropolitan Washington

The Interfaith Council of Metropolitan Washington is a D.C.-based nonprofit focused on building community and increasing cooperation across diverse religious traditions and cultures in our nation’s capital by providing spaces, opportunities and resources for interfaith engagement. Learn more about the Interfaith Council of Metropolitan Washington

How to Participate

This program will be hosted by the Interfaith Council of Metropolitan Washington. Please register with them to receive links and information to join the program.

About Exhibition Programs

Virtual and in-person programs explore themes from the exhibitions Prayer and Transcendence and what color is divine light? Browse upcoming programs



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