Indigenous American Textiles

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Textiles created by South, Central and North American Indigenous groups make up nearly half of The Textile Museum Collection. Among the most notable are eighth- and ninth-century Peruvian tunics and fragments from the Wari Empire, as well as late pre-Hispanic styles from Peru’s north (Chimu), central (Chancay) and south (Ica) coasts. Also represented are 20th-century weavings from Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia that continue pre-Hispanic traditions.

From Central America, we have textiles from over 50 villages in Guatemala, and a large collection of molas by the Kuna people of Panama.

Our small collection from North America includes sarapes, rebozos and village costumes from Mexico, as well as textiles representing Navajo, Pueblo and Tlingit traditions.


tan tunic with geometric pattern

Man's tunic, Peru, Chimu style, c. 1300-1400, 91.849.

green garment with heavily brocaded panel

Woman's ceremonial overhuipil, Guatemala, Santa Apolonia, c. 1900, 1964.65.6.

multicolored tunic

Man's tunic, Peru, Wari style, c. 700-900, 91.341. 

Black textile with colorful design of hen in a bonnet

Woman's blouse panel (mola), Panama, San Blas Islands, Kuna people, 1960s, 1985.56.16.

Textile fragment with figures

Fragment from a woman's dress, Peru, Chancay style, c. 1400-1570, 91.428.

Striped red textile

Child's mantle, southwestern United States, Navajo people, c. 1870, 86.6.

brown striped textile

Man's tunic, Peru, Wari style, c. 750-900, 91.343.

red poncho with bird and geometric designs

Man's poncho, found in the Ica Valley, c. 1400-1570, 1969.43.1.


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