Museums Today: Collections Management as Critical Museum Work

Virtual, Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 6-7 p.m. EDT
Three people in lab coats looking at an object

Researchers in the Ethnologisches Museum, Berlin. Photo by Hannah Turner.


There is a common misconception that collections management in museums is a set of rote procedures or technical practices that follow universal standards of best practice. Collections Management as Critical Museum Practice challenges this notion — recognizing collections management as a political, critical and social project involving considerable intellectual labor, which often goes unacknowledged within institutions and in the fields of museum and heritage studies. 

About Cara Krmpotich 
Cara Krmpotich is a professor of museum studies in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. Her research, teaching and professional practice are in the areas of collections management, repatriation, Indigenous and community collaboration, and digital heritage. 

How to Participate

To participate, register online, and we will email you a link and instructions for joining the program on Zoom. Simply follow that link at the time the event starts (6 p.m. EST). When you register, you can also request to receive a reminder email one day before the program with the link included. 

About the Museums Today Series

Each month during the academic year, museum leaders lead lively online discussions about critical issues in the field. This series is presented in partnership with the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries. Browse upcoming programs

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